Sunday, January 29, 2012

Actions Speak Louder Than Words.

If somebody asks me what will be one of the most important reasons that I will give for failure, I will put the finger on this: Lack of action. Failure to get started. You see, earlier the problem used to be lack of information, the ignorance. Today, information is not the problem. In fact too much of information is the problem today, thanks to internet. So you cannot say I did not know that. There is tons of information available at your finger tips if you are looking for it. Most of us have the information what to do. But the problem lies not with ‘what’ but ‘how to’. For example, most of us know that the first basic principle for financial success is saving. Still most of the people either don’t save at all or save much less than they should or they could. And some, who manage to save, don’t know what to do next. There are plenty of options available in the market where they can put their savings and chances are most of them end up choosing the wrong ones. There is one another aspect of this ‘too much of information’ problem. And that is confusion. If some article argues for something the other argues against it. So it all leads to indecisiveness and that leads to inertia, lack of action. 

The other reason that I feel why most people don’t take action is that most of us get caught up in our routine, the daily chores of life and our vision about our long term future needs and goals gets blurred. We are always busy dealing with short term things, the immediate demands of current situations whether it’s utility bills, credit card bills, EMIs and so on. And the result of all this: we become short sighted failing to plan our future. Most of us just end up like ships without radars, directionless.

And other reason why most people don’t get started and fail financially or achieve way less than they could have is they either do not know how to get started or where to get started.
That’s where ‘Your Money Your Way’ fits in as far as your financial success is concerned. My job here is not only to help you get started and put you on the road to financial success but also make sure that you stay on the track. To give you a direction and purpose to your financial journey with a financial action plan, a financial road map. To help you take actions which take you towards your financial goals, your financial success.
Contact Your Financial Coach to help you to get started on your journey to financial success. I Am Here To Help You. Committed To Your Financial Success, Always!!!
Make the smart and intelligent choice: Your Money Your Way. 
Remember the saddest words in life are: “I Could Have”

Be Smart & Intelligent With Your Money.
Your Life! Your Money! Your Way!


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